Shanghai University 2024 Global Scholars Meeting Hong Kong&Sydney Station - Registration Channel

Please confirm whether to participate:
Hong Kong Station - Expected to attend on time

Date: September 23, 2024 (Monday), 15:00-17:00

Detailed Location: 2/F-MB237,Main Building, Main Campus ,HKU

Sydney Station - Expected to attend on time

Date: September 27, 2024 (Friday), 15:00-17:00 (Local Time)

Detailed Location: Civil Engineering 109, UNSW

Unable to attend the event
Scholars interested in applying for Shanghai University but unable to attend the event in person, please be sure to upload your personal CV for the university to review and assess whether to arrange follow-up contact.
Your name:
Your gender:
Your date of birth:

Your date of birth:

Uniform format example [Example]: 1995/8

Your university/college(or institution):

Your university/college (or institution):

(For joint training, please specify: XX University and XX University joint training)

The time you received your doctoral degree (or expected to receive your doctoral degree):
Uniform format example [Example]: 2024/7
Current employer and position:
(Unemployed talents please uniformly fill in: None; Employed talents fill in reference example: Imperial College London - Postdoctoral Researcher; University College London - Assistant Professor)
Your education/employment background:
Ph.D. candidate,Ph.D. graduates or recent Ph.D. graduates
Postdoctoral Researcher
In-service: Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer, or equivalent
In-service: Assistant Professor or equivalent
In-service: Associate Professor or equivalent
In-service: Professor or equivalent
other(Please specify)
Your major(or research fields):
The secondary college of Shanghai University that you are interested in:
School of Science

Subject of Requirement: Physics

School of Materials Science and Engineering

Subject of Requirement: Materials Science and Engineering

School of Communication and Information Engineering
Subject of Requirement: Information and Communication Engineering

School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering

Subject requirements: Chemical Engineering and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Automation

Subject requirements: Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering

School of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences

Subject requirements: Mechanics, Architecture, Civil Engineering

School of Computer Engineering and Science

Subject requirements: Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Cyberspace Security, Electronic Information

School of Future Technology

Subject requirements: Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Aerospace Science and Technology, Electronic Information

School of Life Sciences
Subject requirements: Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biology and Medicine
School of Microelectronics
Subject of Requirement: Electronic Science and Technology
medical school
Subject requirements: Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy
China Europe Institute of Engineering and Technology
Subject requirements: Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering
School of Literature
Subject requirements: Political Science, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, World History
Faculty of law
Subject of Requirement: Law
School of Management
Subject requirements: Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration
School of Economics
Subject of demand: Theoretical Economics, Applied Economics
School of Sociology
Subject of Requirement: Sociology
School of Marxism
Subject of Requirement: Marxist Theory
School of Foreign Languages
Subject of Requirement: Foreign Language and Literature
School of Cultural Heritage and Information Management
Subject requirements: Archaeology, Library, Information and Archive Management
School of Journalism and Communication
Subject of Requirement: Journalism and Communication
Sydney Business School
Subject requirements: Applied Economics, Business Administration
School of International Education
Subject requirements: Education, Psychology, Chinese Language and Literature
Materials Genome Engineering Research Institute
Subject requirements: Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology
Translational Medicine Research Institute
Subject requirements: Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine
Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts
Subject requirements: Art Theory, Art Studies, Design Studies
Shanghai Film Academy
Subject of Requirement: Drama and Film Studies
Academy of music
Subject of Requirement: Music and Dance Studies
School of Physical Education
Subject of Requirement: Physical Education
Your intended position:【请选择1-2项】
Discipline leading talents

Top talents in disciplines

Young innovative talents

Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow

Unable to confirm at the moment, please participate in the activity to understand the specific situation of the school first
The length of continuous research or work experience overseas after the Ph.D
(The start time is the time of obtaining the doctoral degree, and the reference time for the calculation cut-off is April 15, 2024)
PhD has not yet graduated or has no overseas experience after graduation
Less than 24 months (calculation cut-off time is April 15, 2024)
24-36 months (calculation cut-off time is April 15, 2024)
More than 36 months (calculation cut-off time is April 15, 2024)
Your phone number:
Your wechat ID:
Please ensure that the WeChat ID you fill in can be normally added, so that the teacher can add you to the event group at the first time.
Your Email:
Please fill in your commonly used email address so that we can notify you of the conference information as soon as possible
Please upload your CV:
Scholars who are interested in discussing employment opportunities with Shanghai University are strongly encouraged to upload their personal CV in advance, so that the university's talent office teachers can review and understand in advance.
Where did you get information about the event?
1、News from student unions, associations, international student groups, and other channels
2、 GAOXIAOJOBplatform (website, official account, community, etc.)
3、Official channel news from Shanghai University
4、Recommended by friends (or teachers)